Friday, October 24, 2008

Some Notes on The Right to Life


The United States has seen countless morally unjust Supreme Court decisions based on politics, not justice. In 1856 in Scott v. Sandford, the Supreme Court effectively ruled pro-slavery. In Plessy v. Ferguson the court defined American society as “separate but equal.” Now, in the new millennium, it seems unspeakable from an American Christian standpoint to agree with early Supreme Court decisions that attack the very core of God-given equality where we do not stand separate but equal in society but all equal before the Almighty. However, similarly egregious oversights of morals have taken hold of American society. As mid-century counterculture reared its head, it brought an era of errors. Not unlike the mistakenly-determined civil rights cases of generations past, Roe v. Wade created a disgusting misconception of equality and liberty.

For a reason unknown to me, Roe v. Wade is a product of the women’s rights movements. Putting abortion under the umbrella of women’s rights is a clever tactic by the Left. It portrays people who support “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as people who support the chauvinistic oppression of women. It is important to note that women are made equal to men by the Creator. And just as Jesus called for respect to women, Americans must respect women. However, liberal poison has made women’s rights synonymous with abortion. The liberal rhetoric refers to a “woman’s right to choose.” It is neither a woman’s right nor a man’s right to choose to bring about the death of an innocent child. God gives the gift of life and takes away life to call humans to Him, in accordance with His plan. Where does a woman’s right (or anyone’s right) end in the case of legalized murder? Thank God for the justices who ruled against partial-birth abortions – a euphemism for legal infanticide. However, who is to say that if a child becomes unwanted once he or she is a three-year-old that the mother cannot just bring the child to the doctor for a lethal injection? It’s a woman’s right to choose, you know! A reckless sect of our society that lives without morals produced an ideology that supports the systematic murder of the innocent and it’s time for the next generation of Americans to stand up and take back a moral society. Jesus was revolutionary for his sympathy with the weak, underprivileged, and trodden-on. How a person can claim to follow Jesus and support abortion is beyond me.

Claiming that abortion has anything to do with women’s rights is an insult to women. Considering more than half of human beings are women, abortion kills females. Complications with the procedure have killed many adult women. Abortion is the product of a reckless anything-goes age in America and a lot has changed since that age. Another perplexity of the abortion issue is the hypocrisy of some so-called “pro-choicers.” How can one be outraged at the murder of a two-month-old child and support abortion laws that would allow that same child to have been killed eight months earlier? How can one be shocked by sudden infant death syndrome but support laws that would give that infant’s mother the power to legally put that child to death less than a year earlier? How can one be angry about the effects of thalidomide or alcohol on a child when they vote for politicians who support infanticide under the guise of “women’s rights?” I certainly am outraged and upset by all three. But I’m also outraged that abortion is legal, in any form, in free America.

The very rhetoric around the abortion procedure shows a sickening disregard for the dignity, integrity, and reward of God-given life. Referring to an innocent, vulnerable, and defenseless human being as a “fetus,” “clump of cells,” or a “parasite,” is a heretic mockery of all Judeo-Christian teachings regarding the preciousness of life. In one case, a woman half-jokingly referred to an abortion procedure she had had as “removing the extra cells from my body because I have plenty of cells” (Sociology 11th ed., John J. Macionis) The selfishness of that statement speaks for itself. Abortion in any other case would be considered something along the lines of felony conspiracy to commit murder. However, selfish American men and women who live without morals have decided that a baby’s life, post-conception and pre-birth, is their choice. Furthermore, some seek abortions because they find out their child may have a debilitating disease such as Down syndrome. Not only is this against the ideal of protecting the weak, but it is flat out eugenics. There was an ancient law that declared that slaves were worth 3/5 of a person: legal abortion makes babies worth far less than 3/5.

The “fetal” stage is part of a developmental process of a human’s life. At conception, sperm combine with egg cells, and with the endowment of life from God, become human. A person does not become human after their umbilical cord is cut. Pre-birth human beings are dependent on their mothers for life and safety, not death and “termination.” Liberals argue legalistic, illogical facts and fight against science, preaching the nonsense that life begins when a child is born. A so-called “fetus” is only cells that are part of the mother’s body. Why then, do so-called “fetuses” have their very own genetic code of DNA, unique of their mother’s? Why then, do so-called “fetuses” exhibit brain-activity, feel pain, and cry? Why then, do some doctors force an injection into the amniotic fluid to silence the beating heart of a “fetus” before ejecting its body from its mother? The argument for abortion has always focused on a woman’s right to choose her own destiny. Liberals never focus on the issues of the uniqueness of life in the womb: the womb that is given to women so they can protect their powerless children within it. Liberal ideology calls upon the “great” liberation women have obtained through modern science that allows them the power to decide “Getting pregnant was a mistake.” Wake up Nation: life is a gift from God and God doesn’t make mistakes!

Even the legal foundation of the abortion decision was erroneous beyond any mistake in modern history. Amendment X, written by the great men who founded this great nation, states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” I cannot find the word “abortion” in the Constitution. However, most literature around Roe v. Wade cites Amendment IX, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” To me, Roe v. Wade was the child of politics and immorality, not a sound legal argument. At the very least from the legal standpoint, the federal government cannot dictate the decision that it is illegal to illegalize abortion. The limited government envisioned by the Founding Fathers and authored into the Constitution with Amendment X was meant to be limited, not meant to be interpreted as a nation that federally allows abortions from the Judiciary Branch. At the very least, following the law of the land, America must overturn Roe v. Wade, and restore to the states the right to decide if abortion is legal or illegal.

From there, it is the moral obligation of America to pass a constitutional amendment that defines the fact that life begins at conception. It is the moral obligation of America to illegalize the unbridled rape of God-given life: over 40 million legal abortions since Roe v. Wade. It is the moral obligation of America to illegalize abortion. Remember that justice is the Lord’s: the battle to illegalize abortion should not be waged by violence toward morally-misguided doctors. The battle should be waged at the polls every Election Day and by pen on paper every non-Election Day. Vote pro-life, not pro-death and write your congressmen.

A few other notes:

  • In the case of rape, many conservatives like myself would prefer that the baby live, and the rapist be put to death. Pro-choice, anti-death penalty liberals would have it the other way around.
  • Barack Obama voted against the Illinois Born Alive Protection Act which would give legal protection to an child born after a botched abortion.
  • For some reason, liberals interpret random parts of the Constitution to mean "states cannot deny the right to abortion" but cannot seem to understand the clarity of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
  • "When I first got out of law school, I didn't want to go to work for a law firm; I wanted to go to work for the Children's Defense Fund. And to work on behalf of abused and neglected kids, and kids with disabilities, and kids who didn't have education or health care. And I really spent a great deal of my early adulthood bringing people together to help solve the problems, of those who were without a voice and were certainly powerless" - Hillary Clinton, in a CNN Democratic Debate rated 100% pro-abortion rights by NARAL. Is she kidding?
  • "I've got two daughters, 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." - Barack Hussein Obama on his own grandchildren
"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord; and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
- Psalm 127:3

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